In many documents, there is a need to divide content, breaking it into discrete sections. Navigating those sections can be done with the help of a table of contents. Fortunately, DEVONthink can display such a table in certain documents. Here’s how you can use it. (more)
One of the fundamental strengths of DEVONthink is the various ways of organizing documents. But as the databases grow, you may find it a little harder to put your documents in the appropriate locations. Here are seven simple ways to move documents around inside their databases. (more)
When handling items in DEVONthink To Go, it happens that you need to deal with more than one at a time. Perhaps you want to email several documents to someone. Or maybe you need to copy them to a shared folder in Dropbox and don’t want to share them one by one. Here’s how to quickly select and handle multiple items. (more)
When it comes to email, most of us will have to admit we have way too much. If you’re an Apple Mail user and need to clean things up, smart mailboxes can help you keep things in order. Here is how you import these smart mailboxes to DEVONthink. (more)
Sometimes you need to take some notes on a document. For this purpose DEVONthink offers annotations. Annotations are separate text documents that are attached to a document and are therefore suitable for making notes about it. Here’s how you easily create and use annotations in DEVONthink To Go. (more)
In a another post on smart rules, we discussed how to organize DEVONthink documents in an automated fashion. In this post we briefly touched on the File action, but some people have wondered why not just use the Move action. Here’s the difference between the two. (more)
DEVONthink To Go supports creating and editing some native file types, e.g., plain text, rich text, or Markdown. And while it supports importing many other formats, those can’t be edited in DEVONthink To Go. Here’s how to open those documents in an external application. (more)
When working in DEVONthink, it is not unusual to have more than one database open, navigating back and forth between groups. As you open, close, create, and edit documents, it’s not uncommon to eventually lose track of something. Fortunately, smart groups can help corral these files. (more)
Imagine you have a set of databases you open to work on a specific project. Or a database you occasionally use and open in three windows side-by-side. While it’s possible to manually open databases and windows, DEVONthink has a special function to make this a more dynamic process: Workspaces. (more)
Apple’s mobile platform and devices are built for touch. Touch this, pinch that, swipe left and right, etc. However, using a hardware keyboard is often a much more fluid and accurate experience and also opens up the ability to use keyboard shortcuts. Supporting this, DEVONthink To Go has a broad set of menus and key commands available. (more)
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