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Again: Snow Leopard and DEVONthink

31. August 2009 — Eric Böhnisch-Volkmann

Last week I have posted an article that we don’t expect too many issued with Mac OS X 10.6 ‘Snow Leopard’. Now Snow Leopard is here and the list of issues is in fact a very short one for a a larger OS upgrade. If you plan on upgrading or already have upgraded to Mac OS X 10.6 ‘Snow Leopard’, here are a list of issues to expect:

Mail plug-in: This plug-in relies on undocumented functions in Mail and does not work anymore with Snow Leopard. Solved; the fix will be part of the next update.

Services: Snow Leopard shows all services also in the contextual menu. You can switch DEVONthink’s services on and off now in System Preferences > Keyboard > Keyboard Shortcuts or from the Services sub-menu, and add your own keyboard shortcuts, too. The next update will enable all relevant services automagically and better support Snow Leopard’s new features for services.

Quick Look: The Quick Look panel does not work. Solved; the fix will be part of the next update. Quick Look based previews in the view/edit pane work as expected.

Scanning & OCR: The OCR Activity panel does not work on Snow Leopard. Solved; the fix will be part of the next update.

Global Inbox in Save Dialogs: Adding the global inbox to the Finder through Help > Install Add-ons crashes due to changes in the Finder. For the moment uncheck this option when using the Install Add-ons dialog. We’ll provide a fix as quickly as possible.

Automator: Some actions don’t work on Snow Leopard. Solved; the fix will be part of the next update.

We are working hard to make DEVONthink and DEVONnote play nice with Apple’s new feral cat and deliver a new version as quickly as possible, hopefully already this or next week.