DEVONthink on the Radio
May 7, 2020 — Eric Böhnisch-Volkmann

Podcasts are the new radio. And so DEVONthink was mentioned “on the radio” more than once in the last few weeks. We were delighted to listen to Stephen Hackett talking about how he collects and manages his extraordinary knowledge of Apple history now in DEVONthink. And Federico Viticci thinks about using our products for his summer project: his review of the next version of iOS and iPadOS.
Listen to how Stephen uses DEVONthink or how Federico prepares for his review:
- Mac Power Users episode 526 (from minute 48)
- Connected episode 292
- AppStories episode 161
Stephen also lays out his workflow in the latest Club MacStories newsletter (exclusive to members).
If podcasts are your thing you can find these shows also on iTunes or subscribe to them in your favorite podcast player.
Thank you, Stephen and Federico, for your great shows.