Integrate Trickster with DEVONthink

Our friends at Apparent Software added dedicated integration with DEVONthink to their latest release of Trickster. Trickster is a little application that lives in the menu bar and lists your recently used files, neatly organized by file type and application. Whether it’s some file you’ve just downloaded or a document you had been working on when you were rudely interrupted — you’ll find it there. A large number of filters help you see only what you really need at any point in time.

Documents stored in DEVONthink are kept inside databases packages and are therefore not directly visible to other apps. Trickster 3.8 solves this problem with improved AppleScript support and a DEVONthink smart rule to track when you open a document. And as an additional benefit you can modify the smart rule in any way you like. You’re in full control of what is tracked and when. Add additional triggers or restrict tracking to just the items you want to appear in Trickster.
Learn more about the integration here and install the smart rule either from there or via Help > Support Assistant > Install Extras > Smart Rules in DEVONthink. Trickster is also available in our traditional SummerFest. So if you’re going to get Trickers then don’t miss the discount!
The image showing the Trickster and DEVONthink icons is used by Apparent Software and us with mutual permission.