Using the Sorter and Websharing

One of the core functions of DEVONthink is getting data into it. This may be adding files from the Finder or creating new documents directly in your database. The Sorter is a multifunction utility panel providing filing and document creation in a light and accessible interface. To show you how it works and how you can best put it to use, we created a new tutorial for you.
Another new tutorial guides you through the steps for setting up DEVONthink Server’s Websharing: It lets you share your databases with other local (and even remote) users even if they don’t run DEVONthink or work on a Windows or Linux PC. Database and user permissions make sure you only share what you really want to share. In our tutorial we show you how to configure and start the server and what connected users can do when they log in.
The tutorials are available from inside DEVONthink. Select Help > Tutorials in the menu of DEVONthink to access them. Note that the websharing tutorial only appears in DEVONthink Server.