A Word About Data Privacy

Any time you store your data on servers you don’t operate, you have to trust they will respect your privacy. But even if you feel fairly comfortable, it’s not a bad idea to take a few further steps to protect your data.
Firstly, we recommend you use encryption on your sync locations, both Mac and mobile. Make sure you remember or record the encryption key you used (note the key doesn’t have to be long and unreadable). Our sync engine already provides a certain level of safety in how sync data is handled, but adding encryption dramatically increases its security.
Secondly, in DEVONthink To Go’s settings, you have an option to Backup data to iCloud. With Apple’s Advanced Data Protection, your data is protected with end-to-end encryption, so neither Apple nor anyone else can access your data. However, if Advanced Data Protection is not available at your location or if certain security policies change, we recommend that you deactivate the Backup data to iCloud setting for DEVONthink To Go for the time being. We are working on our own server-independent solution.
We at DEVONtechnologies have always been focused on privacy for everyone’s data. This includes providing and advocating local synchronization, supporting encrypted databases, and implementing an application lock in DEVONthink To Go. And we will continue exploring other ways to improve security where we can.