Our applications give you power tools in knowledge management and retrieval for Mac that adapt to your needs. Keep your case files digitally, gather research in online databases such as LexisWeb or FindLaw, and have everything at hand when you need it at your office or in court.
Broaden Your Knowledge
DEVONagent Pro helps you find precedent cases or applicable law. Use advanced search language and get smart text summaries with all the facts but without all the noise. Capture interesting articles including a link to the original source in DEVONthink. DEVONagent supports many professional databases and allows you to add others as needed.

Build a Digital Filing Cabinet
Quickly add new documents to the inbox of DEVONthink without interrupting your workflow, GTD® style. Organize the files later when you have the time. Scan paper with DEVONthink and a compatible document scanner like a Ricoh ScanSnap and save them as searchable PDFs.

Add Notes to Documents
Review case notes, documents, and related articles directly in DEVONthink. Annotate PDFs, e.g. scans or journal articles, or just any other document (with the Annotation smart template). DEVONsphere finds more information related to what you’re working on. Add reminders for important items to OmniFocus, Things, Calendar, or Reminders.

Take Notes
Make Your Thoughts Stick
At your office, in the courtroom, or in a meeting: Use DEVONthink to write down everything related to your client, case, or trial strategy. Open the Take Note panel with a keystroke and start typing or open a new rich text document in your inbox. DEVONthink offers all the tools you need, from lists to tables to hyperlinks. It even adds Wiki-style links to related documents automatically.

Stay Organized at All Times
DEVONthink actively helps you organize your documents, notes, articles, and references. Its unique AI suggests groups or tags for your data, and it learns with every new document you add to a group or assign a tag. Multiple views, smart groups, and our innovative smart tagging approach give you the power and the freedom you need without sacrificing one or the other.

Do Your Writing
Using DEVONthink’s built-in rich text editor, write letter, opinions, or recommendations without leaving your digital workplace. Create your own smart templates that use AppleScript to insert additional information automatically. Switch to one of the two fullscreen modes to write undistracted.

Keep Your Library at Hand
Wherever you’re desperately needed, DEVONthink for Mac and DEVONthink To Go for iOS make sure that you have your case files and reference materials with you at any time. Add notes or annotations, reorganize your files, or read when you find some quiet time in the court café or the airport lounge.