Rose’s DEVONthink Setup

Four weeks ago the first of two podcast episodes that we’ve sponsored went live. On Nested Folders, Rosemary Orchard and Scott Jackson dive deep into the topic of personal productivity. If you’re interested in Getting Things Done or just improving your own workflows, this podcast is for you.
In this week’s episode Scotty interviews Rose and explores her setup, architecture, and usage of DEVONthink to organize her projects, studies, reference material, version control, and life. She uses DEVONthink with a whole range of other tools including Drafts, Yoink, PopClip, Zapier, IFTTT, Hazel, and of course Shortcuts. Naturally, Rose’s way of using our products includes a good deal of automation.
Click here to listen to episode no. 23. Or even better: Subscribe to Nested Folders in whatever app you use for listening to podcasts. It’s free.
Thank you again, Rose and Scotty, for this great show.