DEVONagent's Browser Inspectors

The web browser in DEVONagent allows for easy reading of pages found in a search without having to leave the app. And while it may not have all the features of major browsers, it has a powerful feature they lack: inspectors, which provide some additional information about the site.
Do a search in DEVONagent and double-click one of the results to open it in a browser window. Now open the Web menu and look for Inspectors. There are three options available.
The Properties inspector displays technical information about the page: the title, URL, etc.
Objects is not just a single inspector, but may be several, depending on the content of the current page. At a minimum, a Links inspector is shown. Click a link to view, open in your system browser, or add to DEVONthink. If there are images on the page, you will see an Embedded Images inspector or an RSS inspector for detected feeds. There is even a Linked Documents inspector if a document like a PDF is detected on the page.
Lastly is the See Also inspector. This examines the current page and uses DEVONagent’s internal AI to try to locate similar documents. It will list any items found in its Archive, in open DEVONthink databases, or some potential matching pages from the Internet.
For the diligent researcher, the inspectors provide a view of resources and information not found in traditional browsers.