DEVONagent’s web browser lets you view websites you have found without having to switch applications. And while it may not have all the features of major browsers, it has a very handy one: inspectors, which provide some additional information about the site. (more)
DEVONagent is our application for sophisticated web searches. But how exactly does it work and for what kind of searches is it actually useful? Power user Benoît Pointet has some thoughts on this, which he shares with you on his blog. (more)
Would you like to share your search results from DEVONagent with others or use them in another application? You can export the results in various forms and formats to use them as you wish. Here is, how to do this. (more)
When doing a web search in DEVONagent, you are presented with a list of matching pages. One of the tabs is called the Digest. But what information do you get in this view? Here is a brief introduction. (more)
In DEVONagent Pro, you can archive search results or send them to DEVONthink. But after closing the search, you no longer have access to those results. Of course, you can run the search again, but there is a more efficient way to return to them. (more)
DEVONthink is a good place to keep your literature, because you can add a lot of bibliographic data as metadata. One source for such data is Crossref, and with a script you can easily import metadata from there to DEVONthink. Here is how that works. (more)
DEVONthink is a good place to build a digital book collection. Users of the Pro or Server edition of DEVONthink can add custom metadata to their books from the millions of books available in Google Books with a script. Here is, how to do that. (more)
Our intelligent search assistant DEVONagent can be used for all kinds of searches on the web, searching several search engines simultaneously for the best results. But besides searching, DEVONagent also has a built-in web browser. And while it doesn’t support browser extensions, it does have some nice tricks up its sleeve. Here are a few. (more)
Avigail Oren and Ada Barlatt created DEVONthink for Historians, a series of online courses that provide a practical introduction to scholarly work with DEVONthink. Now, Ada and Avigail started to share some exciting insights into Avigail’s current research project on their YouTube channel, showing how a new database is being built for this. (more)
The new Manifesto for Ubiquitous Linking calls software designers to ensure that resources inside the software are linkable. DEVONthink and DEVONthink To Go offer platform-independent URLs for documents inside databases already for many years. We are one of the original signers of the manifesto. (more)
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