DEVONthink and DEVONthink To Go can be comfortably used with OmniFocus by using item links. Many other applications support URLs, too, and can so link back to documents stored in DEVONthink. For example Things from Cultured Code which works with DEVONthink very similar to OmniFocus: … (more)
If you find yourself often opening the same windows, tabs, and documents often, it can be a bit cumbersome. Similar to a concept found in applications like Adobe Illustrator, there is an option in DEVONthink’s Go menu: Workspaces. From the Documentation > Menus section of the Help: … (more)
Part of setting up a DEVONthink sync to Dropbox is making sure you don’t re-download the sync data unnecessarily. If you don’t exclude the DEVONthink Packet Sync folder in the Dropbox application on your Mac, it will download what our sync has just uploaded. This wastes bandwidth and space on your machine. It may also spam your machine with messages about files being changed. (more)
You can only use one Dropbox account in DEVONthink or DEVONthink To Go. This means you need to pick an account to use for syncing. But perhaps you started with one account and have now decided to use another one. Or maybe you want to share sync data with someone else, using a common Dropbox account. And every single time you try and set up a sync location, DEVONthink just won’t forget the first account you used! Here’s how to switch the accounts… … (more)
In December we laid out how you can use DEVONthink To Go and OmniFocus together with universal item links. On the Mac this works, too, of course, and in a very similar fashion.
Recap: Item links are universal URLs that point to a document or group stored in DEVONthink or DEVONthink To Go. An item link that works on one device will also work on other devices as long as the database that the link is pointing to is available. (more)
Productivity applications like DEVONthink are seldomly used alone. Most people use a collection of at least a few core applications together for their daily work. One software that is often mentioned by you, our customers, is OmniFocus. (more)
When sending in support tickets, it is often very useful to attach screencaptures for us to look at. Sometimes the words you use aren’t the words we’d use and the real issue can be unclear. A screencapture is indeed worth 1,000 words, in many cases. (more)
DEVONthink To Go does not have OCR(Optical Character Recognition)capabilities built-in. However, if you have an iOS device capable of running in split view mode (as of this writing: iPad Pro, iPad Air 2 or iPad mini 4) and an iOS OCR application, you may* be able to do OCR now. (more)
One of the less noticed import options in DEVONthink is the ability to import contacts from your address book. There are three formats you can import in.
As an extra bonus, the VCard and linked contacts have active links in them. Hover over the word home before someone’s phone number and you’ll see it change. Click it and you’ll see options to call or send a message. (more)
DEVONthink comes with a variety of pre-built templates for various things, like taking a phone note, making an annotation file, or even creating a project. But what if you have a need but no template? You can easily create your own. (more)
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