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Articles in the category Tips

September 16, 2009

DEVONthink and Mac OS X 10.6.1's

Just a quick note that Mac OS X 10.6.1 again breaks compatibility with the earliert version of the plug-in. You may should know that Apple Mail does not support third-party plugins at all so what we did is basically a hack (one reason we did not make a plug-in for Safari but a bookmarklet). The solution is simple: choose Help > Install Add-ons… and re-install the plug-in to update it. This installs a newer version of the plug-in which will happily work with 10.6.1.

August 19, 2009

ScanSnap Community

Fujitsu has opened a site dedicated to ScanSnap owners and those of you who want to become one: the ScanSnap Community. So if you own a ScanSnap or plan to to so, check out the Updates, Testimonials, Tips & Tricks, and Ask the Expert sections to learn more about what you can do with a document scanner. (more)

August 18, 2009

Use the Services Menu

The Services menu is one of the most underestimated features of Mac OS X. It provides useful commands that work from within almost any application on the Mac without hacking them (unlike, say, contextual menu items which run inside another application’s memory space and so can crash it). Both DEVONthink and DEVONagent provide useful commands which allow, e.g., to quickly clip selected text to your database, summarize text, or run a web search. In addition we provide useful Services menu plugins as freeware.

August 11, 2009

The Power of the Sorter

With DEVONthink Pro 2.0 we introduced the Sorter, an small independent application that allows you to add data to your databases even when DEVONthink is not open. But it’s not a simple drop box — there is much more you can do with it (and even more in one of the next releases). (more)

June 30, 2009

Save Directly to DEVONthink

DEVONthink offers the possibility to save any file from any application directly to the global inbox. No more saving to the desktop and importing later.

First make sure that this function is enabled. Choose DEVONthink > Install Add-Ons, check Global Inbox in Save Dialogs and click Install. This inserts a shortcut to the global inbox into the Finder’s sidebar. To save a document to DEVONthink now, look for the ‘Inbox’ item in the sidebar of the save dialog and select it as the location of choice. This even works when DEVONthink is not open, the document will be imported when you open the application the next time. (more)

May 19, 2009

Use an Unsupported Scanner

DEVONthink Pro Office comes with built-in support for both Image-Capture-compliant scanners as well as ones that use a TWAIN driver to communicate with your Mac. Some scanners however refuse to work with both approaches and work best with their own scan software. Don’t worry, you can make even make most of these scanners work with DEVONthink. (more)

April 1, 2009

Improve the AI Accuracy

DEVONthink is based from the ground up on artificial intelligence (AI). And like with natural intelligence the results it delivers is based on a variety of parameters. With DEVONhink 2.0 public beta 4 we have added more control over how the AI behaves. To improve the predictability of the AI results, open DEVONthink’s Preferences, General tab, and adjust the Mood slider from “Moody” to “Stable” (see the picture). Choose the setting that best fits your needs. (more)

March 31, 2009

Read Your News with DEVONthink Pro

DEVONthink Pro not only organizes all your knowledge, it also lets you get more of it. Add RSS, RDF, or Atom feeds to your databases (e.g. by drag-and-drop of a feed: URL or by creating a new feed via Data > New > Feed) where they appear like groups with an orange RSS icon. (more)

March 24, 2009

Use Sheets for Tabular Data

DEVONthink Pro features its own document type for tabular data named ‘sheet’. Sheets resemble spreadsheets and can hold textual data organized in rows and columns. Create a new sheet with Data > New > Sheet, name it, and add some columns with Data > Sheet > New Column or Edit Columns. (more)