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Articles in the category Tips

October 31, 2006

Custom Icons in DEVONthink

Did you know that you can use custom group and document icons in DEVONthink? It works just the Mac way: Copy any image that you want to use as the icon of the item; best suitable are images of a square form with a transparent background. Then select the item in DEVONthink and open the Info panel (Tools > Show Info). Select the item’s icon and paste your graphic. It can’t be any easier, can it? By the way: This works exactly how it also works in the Finder. Custom icons are perfect for making an item stand out.

October 3, 2006

Built-In Mini Outliner

The text editing engine of Mac OS X comes with a nice hidden feature: a built-in mini outliner that is also available from within DEVONthink. Open a rich text (!) document in a separate window by double-clicking it. On any blank line, type Option-Tab to create a bullet-point. Hit Return for the next item and so on. Additional Option-Tabs will increase the indentation; a Return on a blank list line will decrease it. It uses hyphens to indicate list items by default. Right-click or control-click to choose all kinds of list styles. Isn’t the Mac cool?

September 26, 2006

Groups Panel

If you often need to add new documents to a specific group in your DEVONthink Pro database, you could drag the file to the DEVONthink Pro icon in the Dock, then bring the database window to the front, and manually move the document to the group into which it belongs. Here’s a convenient shortcut: Open the Groups panel (Tools > Show Groups). It floates above all other windows and gives you access to all groups of the currently open database. Drag documents onto groups in the Groups panel to import them and double-click groups to open a window for it in DEVONthink Pro.