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Articles in the category Tips

September 22, 2020

How to not forget what's important

Many times we need to schedule a reminder about something we need to revisit. This may be something you need to defer until a later date or perhaps some documents you need to be done and sent out next Friday. DEVONthink provides two simple ways to set such a reminder. (more)

August 25, 2020

How to Use Your Voice for Notes

Dictation settings on iOS.

With the development of Siri (and now Cortana, Alexa, and who knows who else is on the horizon) as well as systems integrated into our cars, talking to our devices has become more commonplace. Here are a few ways to add content to your databases with your voice. (more)

August 18, 2020

How to Search with Advanced Queries

name:android* {name:hit text:impact}

Collecting things is usually a fairly easy thing to do. Just look at your attic, basement, or garage. The hard part comes in finding something in all that stuff. DEVONthink makes it quick and easy with some specialized options. (more)

August 11, 2020

How to Find and Remove Duplicates

Duplicate files are not uncommon on our computers. Sometimes we’ve copied a file somewhere, then forgot about the copy. Or maybe we’ve re-imported files we don’t remember importing previously. Along with the large capacity hard drives so common today, it’s easy to end up with extra copies. Here is an application to help avoid importing duplicates or just clean them off your hard drive. (more)

August 4, 2020

How to Sync by Wire

Bonjour is a wonderful technology that allows us to connect to devices or services by name instead of a hard to remember IP address, a number that can and does change! DEVONthink can sync via Bonjour on a local network, but only if the traffic is allowed. Here’s one way to work around that … (more)

July 29, 2020

Surprise! ScanSnap Manager 64-Bit

Screenshot of ScanSnap Manager V7

In September Fujitsu announced that it would not update their ScanSnap Manager software to 64-bit, effectively making all older models of their scanners obsolete overnight. Yesterday, and to everyone’s surprise, Fujitsu released version 7 of the ScanSnap Manager, perfectly running in 64-bit and supporting all the older models from the S1300 to the S1500M. (more)

July 28, 2020

Save Space with Shallow Sync

Many times people will create large databases in DEVONthink and want to sync them to their iOS devices. But there may not be a lot of available space on the iPhone or iPad. DEVONthink To Go has a sync option that may allow you to sync the databases within the space you have. (more)

July 21, 2020

Take a Break, with Mahjong

Screenshot © Kristanix Games

As the old saying goes, “All work and no play…”, well you know the rest. Sometimes you just need a little break and playing a quick game is often a good choice. Something not too involved or deep, but one you can finish during a short relaxation break. Here’s a good option to try… (more)

July 7, 2020

Write a Little Better

Composing in any application by typing is always susceptible to typing or grammatical errors. A few options in DEVONthink can help spot, or sometimes even fix, some of those issues. Here’s how… (more)

June 30, 2020

What's For Dinner?

Cooking is a favorite pasttime of many, and many are learning or rekindling cooking skills during lockdown. But making the same old, same old meals can get tiresome. Here’s how DEVONagent can be used to find some new recipes. (more)