In a search, your search term can refer to different contexts, such as the name of the document or the content. Using search prefixes in DEVONthink and DEVONthink To Go allows you to focus your searches by narrowing down to the context you’re searching on. Here is how that works. (more)
Our update for DEVONthink for Mac today lets you create deep links for selected text and PDF annotations, search more precisely from the toolbar, and write Markdown in WYSIWYG in the Sorter. We’ve also improved working with annotations and rearranged the inspectors a bit. (more)
We know our applications don’t exist in isolation on your Mac. While you can view or edit many file types in DEVONthink, there are times you want to open them in other applications. This is especially easy with the free utility CustomShortcuts. Here is how that works. (more)
In DEVONthink you can create an item link to any item in your database. This is a URL that allows you to access an item directly without having to search for it or navigate through your database. DEVONthink user Julien Dimastromatteo, Ph.D., shows how to use item links practically. (more)
Quality assurance is a top priority in the development of our applications. Nevertheless, misbehavior can sometimes occur, leading to an application crashing or stalling. To investigate and fix the issue, we need a report with some information about it. Here’s how you can support us with that. (more)
We not only take the development of our applications seriously, we are strongly committed to their support as well. One additional resource available in DEVONthink and DEVONagent Pro is the Support Assistant window. Here’s what you’ll find there. (more)
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. For your documents, you certainly care about the aesthetics, because looking at a pretty document is simply much more pleasure. If you use Markdown or HTML-based documents in DEVONthink, you can easily customize the look with a stylesheet. Here’s how that works. (more)
WinterFest is the time when we come virtually together with other, like-minded software manufacturers. Buy DEVONthink or DEVONagent Pro for 25% off directly at the workshop gate and have a look at the other WinterFest apps with a similar discount. (more)
Sometimes a visualization is helpful to see the connections between things, e.g., between different documents. One of our intrepid community members created a script for DEVONthink that allows you to generate a network graph showing interconnecting links between documents. Here is a brief overview. (more)
Today’s update for DEVONthink for Mac brings several additions, improvements, and fixes. Version 3.8.7 shows and lets you work with highlights in HTML-based documents, quickly reveal the location of replicated or duplicated items via the contextual menu, or export the related words graph or cloud from the Concordance inspector. (more)
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