There are times when making a nice orderly list is necessary. From creating a grocery list to outlining a story idea, they can be just what’s needed to keep things organized. But without a dedicated outliner, isn’t it just too hard to do in DEVONthink? Nope! Here’s how to do it in an RTF file. (mehr)
David Sparks and Katie Floyd of Relay FMs’s Mac Power Users podcast talk about tools and workflows for professionals in episode 169 and also mention DEVONthink.
David and Katie talk to Dr. Jeffery Taekman, a physician, researcher and educator at Duke. Jeff takes us through his various workflows for getting work done in his profession including using his iPad in his medical practice. (mehr)
Sometimes writing AppleScripts is monotonous. You end up typing the same thing over and over again. To this end we can buy a snippet organizer or we could use XMenu to assist. Here are two ideas to speed things up: … (mehr)
All of us here at DEVONtechnologies wish you and your family Merry Christmas. We wish you a peaceful holiday time, wherever in the world you are, whatever you believe in, and whatever culture you are part of. Have a great start into an exciting new year 2014! (mehr)
You may not really think about it, but under-the-hood of each XMenu icon is a simple Finder folder. This means you can create subfolders within these folders to help organize the menu contents. (mehr)
DEVONthink and DEVONagent are extremely feature-rich and deep applications, harder to master than, say, a simple to-do list app. But they come with an extensive documentation and many slideshow and video tutorials for many everyday tasks from ‘How to set up a first database’ to ‘How to use DEVONthink in a team’. We explain, e.g., the various options for sharing your knowledge, show you the pros and cons of importing vs. indexing, and give valuable tips. (mehr)
After over a year Apple has finally reviewed and approved the latest update to DEVONthink Personal for the App Store. For a long time DEVONthink in the App Store stayed at version 2.3.4 whereas on our website we were already at 2.7.2. The reason: shortly after we released version 2.3.4, Apple required all applications in the App Store to implement a technology called “sandboxing”. (mehr)
Right before Thanksgiving, the official start of the holiday season in the States, we have put together a big bag of updates for almost all their apps. From DEVONthink to DEVONthink To Go, DEVONnote and DEVONagent, there are new convenient features as well as reliability and performance improvements. All eight updates fix minor bugs and glitches on the go, too. (mehr)
We love the Mac and the Mac user community. Quality freeware is one of our ways to say thank you for your long-standing support! Today we have updated the find-file utility EasyFind, our image converter and thumbnail generator ThumbsUp, as well as the customizable menulet XMenu with new localizations, adjustments for Mavericks, and bug fixes. Visit the Download page or use the apps’ built-in Check for Updates if available.
Last night Apple has sent DEVONthink To Go 1.4.1 through their review and to the App Store. This maintenance update fixes a crash introduced with the previous version which was caused by the reworks necessary for supporting the new CPU architectures of recent iPhones and iPads. Use the App Store app on your device to get the free update.
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