Christmas is near but we have worked up to the last minute to provide you with the latest builds before we switch off our Macs and spend some relaxing days with our families. Public beta 3 of our sync technology fixes a few minor but annoying bugs and public beta 4 of the web sharing plugin improves the whole user experience.
In the recent weeks we have released both DEVONthink’s new sync feature as well as a rewritten web interface for DEVONthink Pro Office as public betas via my blog. If you installed the plugins but are still unsure if you really exploit their potential check out our two new screencasts. Thirteen minutes well spent. Ray demonstrates how you can work on one database with multiple users on the local network and how you set up sync locations, e.g Dropbox, and keep your databases synchronized on all your machines. (mehr)
Now that we’ve published a large number of screencasts about DEVONthink we have caught up with DEVONagent Pro. In the Support Assistant (choose Help > Tutorials inside the application) you’ll find seven new screencasts showing you how to search effectively with DEVONagent, explaining what search sets, Boolean operators, and wildcards are, and how you can work with the found results. Finally we demonstrate how you can easily automate your research with scheduled search sets. No more excuses for not using DEVONagent for serious searching!
Amazon lists a book named “DEVONthink” by some Jesse Russell and Ronald Cohn. Don’t buy it! The book consists only of a collection of mostly unrelated Wikipedia articles and has absolutely nothing to do with our software. We have notified Amazon and the book-on-demand publisher about this issue and asked for the book to be withdrawn. (mehr)
Just in case you didn’t know: DEVONagent Pro searches the Internet with full control and powerful options. Version 3.4 brings new options for following promising links and an exciting new way to create your own site-specific searches without writing XML plugins. And, of course, the release updates a number of pre-fab search sets, plugins, and scanners, improves the performance and fixes bugs.
For bookmarks DEVONthink shows the linked web page immediately when you select it in any view that has a preview pane, e.g. in Split view. And as Google Docs is just a web page you can add it to DEVONthink just like any other bookmark. Select it and DEVONthink shows the complete Google Docs editor just like as if it was a local document. (mehr)
DNA can be used to store information at a density about a million times greater than your hard drive, report researchers in Science today. George Church of Harvard Medical School and colleagues report that they have written an entire book in DNA, a feat that highlights the recent advances in DNA synthesis and sequencing. [more] … (mehr)
In the last few week we have received two comments on the blog as well as on Facebook that didn’t only criticize our software or business behavior but also directly insulted us as persons. While we usually never moderate comments or threads in our user forum ((/redirect.php?id=principles text: see e.g. our business principles title: Read our business principles)), I did in these cases. So please feel free to discuss our software in our user forum, but please do so in a friendly and fair way. Thank you.
As hurricane Sandy hit the US east cost the data center hosting our backend database went offline. We hope to be fully online again in a few hours. Thank you for your patience!
DEVONthink is a long-time supporter of the OpenMeta standard for exchanging tagged files. With version 2.4.3, that we have released today, we have further improved the OpenMeta support with better handling of file system events and, in DEVONthink Pro and up, AppleScript commands for synchronizing tags between the database and files in the filesystem. If you are building your own automated workflows you can so make sure that tags are not lost when transferring data between DEVONthink and other apps. (mehr)
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