The mountain lion is roaring and we all have heard its call. The update to version 2.4 tames the cat for all editions of DEVONthink and DEVONnote and feeds it with support for Notification Center and the new sharing services. Share documents with one click via iMessage, Mail, Twitter, Facebook, or Airdrop or add them to Safari’s Reading List. The update also brings a completely rewritten scan feature that’s available for DEVONthink Personal and Pro, too. And, of course, we have improved many other details and fixed bugs. (mehr)
Do you think about going paperless, e.g. with a document scanner and DEVONthink Pro Office? David Sparks’ field guide Paperless gets you started with everything you need to know from why you should paperless to a selection of tools and David’s own paperless workflow. (mehr)
Quite a few people have asked whether our apps are compatible with OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion or not. As we are always updating our apps quickly for any new OS X release if there are issues we didn’t find it worth mentioning. But, just in case: There are some smaller issues of especially DEVONthink Pro Office with Mountain Lion, e.g. the not functioning Mail plugin (see below). But all in all all of our are working also on OS X 10.8. We will publish maintenance updates for all our apps, which will, of course, be also properly signed and so produce no Gatekeeper warnings. (mehr)
And again we have added three new video tutorials for DEVONthink Pro and Pro Office. Our first tutorial introduces you to DEVONthink’s unique approach to tagging and show you how you can use tags to organize your documents. The second tutorial demonstrates the smart A.I. features from finding related documents to automatically classifying documents, and the third tutorial explains the search field in DEVONthink’s toolbar. (mehr)
If you haven’t seen our new video tutorials for DEVONthink Pro and Pro Office you can check them out either inside the app by choosing Help > Tutorials. In addition we have uploaded all of them now to two popular video hosting sites: visit our Vimeo channel or YouTube channel to watch all tutorials we have so far in your favorite player. We will, of course, add all new tutorials as soon as they are ready.
Only four weeks ago we began looking for a customer relations and support specialist to join our support hero, Bill DeVille. We hadn’t have to look for too long: Jim Neumann is the new face here at DEVONtechnologies. He officially starts working for us next Monday but because he just loves helping people he enthusiastically jumped into the cold water right away — which means in this case: our user forum. (mehr)
… with Neal Thompson and mentions also DEVONthink. Neil about the interview:
Steven Johnson (author of “The Ghost Map”) visited a Seattle Barnes & Noble to discuss his latest book, “Where Good Ideas Come From.” I spoke with him afterwards about the rituals and routines of his daily writing life. The key? A big cup of coffee and 500 words a day. — Seattle, October 2010 … (mehr)
This weekend DEVONthink Pro Office is mentioned in BBC’s world-wide program “Click!”.
The promise we can all go paperless has been around for years so why is it that despite email, smartphones and computers we are all still so dependent on pen and paper? LJ Rich reports on how the experiment went to encourage the Click team to produce an episode of the programme without using paper. (mehr)
Ever wondered what DEVONsphere Express is actually about and how you could use it make your Mac smarter and your life easier? I have added a number of real-world usage examples to the product page. If you’re still unsure if and how DEVONsphere Express could be useful for you, click here to check them out (near the bottom of the page).
We have added two new video tutorials for DEVONthink Pro and Pro Office: Structuring a Database and Grouping Tips & Tricks. You can find them in the support assistant that is built into DEVONthink (choose Help > Tutorials).
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