Devonian Times Masthead

Neues von DEVONtechnologies

3. Mai 2012

Where Does the Name DEVONtechnologies Come From?

No, we don’t have a founder named Devon. And we’re not from Devon, United Kingdom, Europe. The name actually comes from the Devonian period:

“Devonian (after Devon County, England), the geologic period from 410 to 360 million years ago. Also called the Reptile Age or Age of Fishes. First amphibians appeared on the land, that until then was only inhabited by trees and other plants — it was the departure into a new age.” … (mehr)

1. Mai 2012

Use Smart Groups for Reading RSS News

If you’re using DEVONthink Pro (Office) for reading your RSS feeds you need to select each feed that contains unread news to read the articles. To read all unread news in one place create a smart group that searches for items of kind ‘HTML Page’ with the ‘Unread’ flag switched on. It shows a blue blob as its icon indicating that it’s a smart group looking for unread items.

24. April 2012

Drag Files to DEVONsphere Express

If your favorite app is not directly supported and so DEVONsphere Express does not update its panel live to your current document you can simply drag the document to DEVONsphere Express’ search field. It automatically focuses on the file. To drag a file you’re just editing or viewing drag its icon in the document window’s title bar (if available).

23. April 2012

New Shop Online

In the last few weeks I have been working behind the curtain on a new online shop with a new provider, Avangate. The new shop is easier to navigate, much better integrated, and offers us a more modern backend. If you had problems with our previous shop check it out.

19. April 2012

Read Our Documentation on Your Favorite Ebook Reader

Some might not know but the documentation that is built into DEVONthink, DEVONnote, and DEVONagent Pro was always also available as PDF. But after the relaunch of our website they looked strangely old-fashioned I have to admit. In the last few weeks I reworked the layout and adapted it to our new design. And, as I was at it, I dropped the landscape-oriented PDF for reading on the screen in favor of an ebook. (mehr)

19. April 2012

Updates for DEVONthink and DEVONnote

We have just updated all editions of DEVONthink as well as DEVONnote to version 2.3.4 with a number of little enhancements and bug fixes. Better integration of DEVONthink Pro Office with ExactScan Pro, updated scripts for import email messages to DEVONthink Pro, and a new Activity panel listing currently running background processes such as updating news feeds or synchronizing databases. Use the apps’ built-in upgrade function or download the new versions from our Download page.

18. April 2012

Better Work with DEVONsphere Express Results

DEVONsphere Express delivers instant See Also results on almost anything you’re working on, from web pages in Safari to email messages or Pages documents. Double-clicking opens found items in the default app for their type. But you can do more. (mehr)

6. April 2012

DEVONthink To Go 1.2.5 Submitted

While DEVONthink To Go is already on the OP table, prepared for the forthcoming transition to the new sync technology, we have just pushed a minor update to version 1.2.5 to Apple for review. The update brings updated graphics for the iPad 3 Retina display, continues to record voice notes when the device is locked, and fixes a number of bugs. (mehr)

3. April 2012

Exclude Items from Classification

Last week we explained why one could want to exclude groups or even whole databases from tagging in DEVONthink or DEVONnote. In addition both groups and documents can be individually excluded from classification, see-also, and search. Nice, but why would you do such a thing? (mehr)