Using Keyboard Maestro you can automate emptying DEVONthink’s trash including dismissing the confirmation dialog. For this create a new Keyboard Maestro macro with the following steps:
If you like the idea of automating things, you should have a look at Keyboard Maestro. (mehr)
As some of you may know Bill DeVille, our support hero, lives in a log cabin near Nashville, Indiana, USA. And while you might think that’s a peaceful place, it is not always. Here’s what Bill copied from the Sheriff’s Log this morning: … (mehr)
If you don’t need the full power of DEVONagent Pro or even just DEVONagent Express we have good news for you: We have submitted DEVONagent Lite to the Mac App Store today. It’s small, it’s convenient, and it’s free. (mehr)
After seven months of public beta testing we have released DEVONagent 3.0 today. And because it’s the best (re)search assistant we’ve ever made we now call it DEVONagent Pro :-) We made it compatible to OS X 10.7 Lion, of course, support 64 bit mode, and have updated or rewritten all plugins. If you’re a JSTOR fan, SEC website user, or lawyer researching on LexisNexis: DEVONagent Pro supports them all now, too. (mehr)
Today Apple released OS X 10.7 Lion to the App Store. And now you might wonder which of our apps are already Lion-compatible? Here’s the list or all apps that we have recently updated and tested for full compatibility with Apple’s brand new operating system: … (mehr)
For quite a while we have been talking about adding sync capabilities to DEVONthink that allow to sync databases between multiple Macs. I am proud to announce that today we have distributed the first alpha to our team of beta testers with another (and last) alpha following early August before we start the public beta test in later August. (mehr)
If you are, like us, excited about the upcoming release of OS X 10.7 Lion then you will also like this news: We have just released version 2.2 of DEVONthink and DEVONnote which makes them fully compatible to Lion. Install this update and you don’t need fear the beast.
Very often documents are connected to actions, e.g. “contact these guys”, “pay this bill”, or “discuss this with the team”. You can create a 43 folder setup in DEVONthink (see the “Getting Things Done” concept) to remind yourself of them or manually add tasks to your preferred calendar or task manager, e.g. iCal, OmniFocus, or Things. (mehr)
If you are using the MacUpdate Desktop app to update the software on your computer please be careful: DEVONthink Pro and Pro Office are using the same “Bundle ID” to make both of them compatible to e.g. the same scripts and Automator actions. Unfortunately MacUpdate Desktop is using the Bundle ID for identifying updates. So it can happen that it, out of confusion, updates a DEVONthink Pro to a Pro Office or vice versa which then of course, asks for a proper license code. (mehr)
DEVONthink and DEVONnote already come with a number of plain and smart templates for everyday use. You can find them in the Data > New from Template menu. But you can easily also add your own documents to this menu. (mehr)
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