With the maintenance update to version 2.9.17 we’ve made the web interface of DEVONthink Pro Office compatible to current web browsers. Access your databases again from any Mac or Windows PC running Safari, Chrome, Firefox, or Edge! Importing email messages via drag-and-drop skips already imported messages, and not yet downloaded messages don’t stop an email import anymore. (mehr)
While syncing data may no longer be a problem for me, finding it can be. DEVONthink To Go (DTTG) has really solved this problem for me and it’s one of my most used apps on my iOS devices. The fast search, tagging, capture, and iCloud integration really make it indispensable to me. (mehr)
In December we laid out how you can use DEVONthink To Go and OmniFocus together with universal item links. On the Mac this works, too, of course, and in a very similar fashion.
Recap: Item links are universal URLs that point to a document or group stored in DEVONthink or DEVONthink To Go. An item link that works on one device will also work on other devices as long as the database that the link is pointing to is available. (mehr)
From time to time our products are mentioned in the media. Here are two articles this December that I found especially worth sharing with you:
At The Appadamic Jai Bentley-Payne reviews DEVONthink To Go in-depth from an academic viewpoint. Jai uses the iPad professionally in his academic work, and our applications have become key elements in his workflow. In his article he asks: “Is DEVONthink To Go worth buying if you are an iOS only user?” … (mehr)
The whole DEVONtechnologies team wishes you a peaceful Christmas time, wherever you live and whatever you believe in. We hope that 2018 will be a great, productive, and successful year for you, and that you and your loved ones stay healthy and happy. (mehr)
DEVONthink To Go 2.4.2 is available on the App Store. The maintenance release updates the PDF library with bug fixes and improves the way informative notifications are presented. It also fixes issues related to, e.g., the progress status, the file item provider, Photos library access, and the localization. (mehr)
Productivity applications like DEVONthink are seldomly used alone. Most people use a collection of at least a few core applications together for their daily work. One software that is often mentioned by you, our customers, is OmniFocus. (mehr)
DEVONthink To Go 2.4.1 has just become available in the App Store. It’s a maintenance release so most changes are bug fixes dealing with PDF annotations, HTML and Markdown documents. But, we couldn’t resist throwing in a few other improvements: … (mehr)
When sending in support tickets, it is often very useful to attach screencaptures for us to look at. Sometimes the words you use aren’t the words we’d use and the real issue can be unclear. A screencapture is indeed worth 1,000 words, in many cases. (mehr)
DEVONthink To Go 2.4 has just passed Apple’s review. It’s optimized for iPhone X and brings a range of new features and enhancements:
In addition we’ve worked on the Files app support, made the Unread group more usable, and improved the overall reliability and responsiveness. Read the full news here. (mehr)
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