During the course of the day we often have a need to jot down a quick note in a database. Maybe it’s details on a customer inquiry, the idea for your next great invention, or a reminder to get milk on the way home (and yes, you can put little things like this in DEVONthink too, if you’d like). (mehr)
New year, new maintenance update for DEVONthink and DEVONnote. Version 2.8.9 now imports your Finder tags of folders too. When exporting, both applications assign tags created in their databases to folders as well. (mehr)
Last week TidBITS asked their readers to rate their favorite personal information management applications. DEVONthink made it to rank #3 right after the free Evernote and Apple Notes.
From all those who voted for DEVONthink, 18.3% call it a “solid performer”, 35.2% rate it as “very good”, and 33% say they “can’t live without it”. That makes 68.2% of them very happy. (mehr)
DEVONthink is, in my ways, the epitome of the ideal info dump. You can drag pretty much any kind of file into the app and it will make sense of it. […] DEVONthink’s secret weapon: the “See Also & Classify” function. When you select an item in your DEVONthink database and enable See Also & Classify, you will see a dossier of items which relate to whatever you’ve selected. This can include any file type. It’s a game-changer. (mehr)
All of us here at DEVONtechnologies wish you and your family Merry Christmas. We wish you a peaceful holiday time, wherever in the world you are and whatever you believe in. Have a great start into an exciting new year 2016! (mehr)
By Jim Neumann. Jim is customer support specialist at DEVONtechnologies and works from home in Michigan, USA, or any other place he likes.
Your alarm clock didn’t go off, your hot shower was lukewarm, traffic was backed up, you spilled coffee when that red coupe cut in front of you, and the boss was eyeing his watch as you limped in to your cubicle. This is a typical morning for a commuter. But there’s an alternative. According to current research, in 2020 almost 54% of US workers telecommuted at least once a month. I am one of them. So what is telecommuting really like? (mehr)
Just before Thanksgiving and right in time for the Eastgate’s release of Tinderbox 6.4 we’ve made DEVONthink 2.8.8 available. The update improves, among many other things, the integration with Tinderbox. Multiple copied notes can now be pasted to DEVONthink including backlinks and tags; they become plain or rich text notes depending on the pasted contents. (mehr)
OS X El Capitan adds some technologies for enhanced security and DEVONagent 3.9.3 adds the necessary support for it. We’ve fixed a few bugs related to El Capitan, too. That being not enough we’ve added three scripts to DEVONagent Pro that integrate it better with Safari. It also plays videos fullscreen now. (mehr)
With apologies that the story won’t be as tasty as the title makes it sound.
With OS X El Capitan’s new views on ‘safety’, cookies are no longer shared between Safari and other applications. This can have an effect you might not expect. Even if you have logged in to your account in Safari, capturing a Readability page via the Clip to DEVONthink extension will not honor your choice of font and font size from your Readability account settings. Here is how you can set a per-application cookie for DEVONthink (using Readability.com as the example). (mehr)
Blogger Lee Garrett of myproductivemac.com has started a mini series on DEVONthink:
My workflows will all centre around DEVONthink Pro Office as that is the product I use day to day. […] So that tells you what I use DEVONthink Pro Office for and why I recommend it so highly. The next few posts will look in more detail as to how I have it configured, how I import data on both OS X and iOS, how I invoke searches, tagging, backing up databases. (mehr)
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