Everything on your Mac seems to be mouse-centric. But the Mac also features hundreds of useful keyboard shortcuts for accessing the menu bar and other clickables. In addition, many Emacs-compatible and almost unknown keyboard shortcuts work in every Cocoa application, e.g. Control-T for exchanging the character in front of the cursor with the one after the cursor or Control-K for deleting until the end of the line. (mehr)
Today we have updated EasyFind to version 4.7.2 and XMenu to 1.9.3. We have added minor new functions, e.g. the possibility to drag search results with modifier keys pressed to the Finder to move, copy, or alias them. EasyFind also copes better with encodings and shows its name in Services menu entries. XMenu can be added to the startup items from its preferences, now, too.
Mac super-blogger Gina Trapani again mentioned DEVONthink in her latest Work Smart 2 video podcast as the solution for the paperless office on the Mac when you don’t just want to store scanned papers but also find them again: … (mehr)
All of us here at DEVONtechnologies wish you a peaceful Easter weekend, wherever you are on this planet, whatever culture you’re part of, and whatever you believe in.
Yours Eric Böhnisch-Volkmann & the DEVONtechnologies team … (mehr)
From time to time I am publishing links to interesting articles mentioning DEVONthink and how it can be used e.g for implementing the paperless office. Here are some of the most interesting ones:
DEVONtechnologies or me personally have no affiliation with the linked pages or Amazon, I am only posting these links as they might be useful for my readers. (mehr)
Some among you may have discovered that we were presumably not that interested in Jon’s ZX Spectrum BASIC programming skills. But, in fact, Jon Hjelle did really join our team, just like Alan Edwards. (mehr)
For those of you waiting for DEVONthink to appear on the Mac App Store: The wait is over! This weekend Apple has approved DEVONthink Personal which is now available as ‘DEVONthink’ on the Mac App Store. Click here. (mehr)
Do you also use the Google search field in Safari just because it is there, but you know that you would have better used DEVONagent? No more. DEVONagent 3.0 public beta 3 adds a menu extra to the right-hand side of the menu bar with a Spotlight-like menu that lets you (re-)search the Web from anywhere on your Mac. Click (or press the hotkey), enter your search term, and press Return. All results appear directly in the menu and you can open them in your web browser (or DEVONagent) with another click .You will love it!
After Yahoo!’s announcement to sell del.icio.us quite a few people were looking for a safer home for their bookmarks. And found Pinboard. If you are among them you may like the following script by Rafael Bugajewski which imports your Pinboard bookmarks into DEVONthink. Click here to download the script.
Just a quick note that Ammonite has been updated to version 1.6. The new version can replicate results to a group in DEVONthink, shows the number of results in the window title, and can keep the search string when removing tags from the query. Ammonite is a stand-alone HUD (head-up display) giving quick access to the contents of your DEVONthink databases from any other application. (mehr)
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