Updates! We cannot get enough of them. And so we created a whole bunch of updates for you: DEVONthink, DEVONnote, DEVONthink To Go, EasyFind, and XMenu — with cool new features and tons of bug fixes. Especially when you’re using DEVONthink To Go you will like what we have submitted to Apple today. It’s not only much more robust, it also comes with voice and video notes now.
DEVONthink Pro comes with smart templates for integrating bibliographic data from Sente 6 as notes. Power user and scripter Rob Trew has published an additional script that sends selected notes to DEVONthink including attachments. (mehr)
Last Friday, Mar 11, 2011, Japan was struck by a catastrophic earthquake followed by a tsunami and the melt-down of at least two nuclear power cores with yet-unknown effects on life in the region. Official sources report more than 10,000 people dead and more than 500,000 homeless, but as of today the concrete number of victims is still unknown. (mehr)
It’s been a while since we released an update for DEVONthink To Go. A developer left our company, slowing down our development pace. We have now taken up again on it and have already seeded version 1.1 to our beta team. Version 1.1, which we hope to submit to Apple in about two weeks, will include e.g. the possibility to record voice and video notes, show labels and flags in all lists, and fix a large number of reported bugs.
… hits the Mac App store: EasyFind. It was a bit more struggle to get EasyFind through Apple’s review than DEVONnote but some minor changes did the trick. Click here or the icon to the right to download and install EasyFind with a single click from the Mac App Store. (mehr)
Some of you may have already asked whether DEVONtechnologies will make DEVONthink & Co. available on the new Mac App Store. We won’t — we already have now!
Apple had really given us a hard time. You all love our applications for their sophisticated functionality. Apple does not always, especially not when we are using functionality that Apple has not yet made publicly available to developers. But, here we are: DEVONnote has been approved tonight by Apple and is available for US $24.99 in the Productivity category on the App Store! (mehr)
Just before Christmas Joe Kissell, the author of Take Control of Getting Started with DEVONthink 2, Take Control of Your Paperless Office and many other great books, called and told me that he would be driving from his home in Paris, France, to Nürnberg, Germany. He managed to make a pit-stop and we managed to have lunch at the Rossknecht, a traditional German-cuisine restaurant here in Bietigheim-Bissingen, right in the middle of the busy Sternlesmarkt Christmas market. (mehr)
We’re working with high-class artificial intelligence (AI) technology now for quite a while and still it sometimes manages to surprise us with exciting results. In our recent tests with DEVONagent it came up with the following really cool topic map: … (mehr)
A while ago we worked with Take Control Ebooks to bring you Take Control of Getting Started with DEVONthink 2 as an addition to our built-in documentation. We asked Joe Kissell to write the ebook as he is not only an avid DEVONthink user but also a great tech writer who knows how to explain things to non-techie people. (mehr)
In the last two weeks we have installed a brand new customer database server and updated all self-service forms in our support area. Everything from trial extensions to upgrade requests is connect live to the database now — no more waiting for email. (mehr)
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