Our freeware offerings have always been our way to say ‘thank you!’ to the greatest user community of all: you, the Mac users. And so we will continue to maintain and further improve EasyFind & Co. and offer them for free to all Mac users. Like today. (mehr)
DEVONthink Pro and Pro Office come with the ability to use multiple databases simultaneously — and you might wonder what the advantages and disadvantages it may have to distribute your data over multiple databases vs. stuffing everything into one single database. So here’s a little list of the pros and cons. (mehr)
If you are one of those people who speak RegEx (regular expressions) fluently, you may like the Rename Using RegEx script. Use it for, e.g., change the numbering schema of files imported from your scanner. You install it from Scripts > More Scripts. (mehr)
The Devonian was not only the time when our ancestors crawled out of the water and onto the land. It was also the name-giver for our company — and presumably for Devon Works, a design company that has created the Tread 1 watch, a little electronic/mechanic masterpiece. Even when you don’t need a watch right now you should at least have a look at the great animation they show on their web site.
Apple is always good for a surprise. Last night Apple has finally approved and releasedDEVONthink To Go to the App Store. Our app for iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch is available now for US $14.99 worldwide. Champagne!!!
On FastCompany, tech blogger Gina Trapani talks about how to build a good digital document filing systems and which tools to use. For the Mac she also mentions DEVONthink.
Scanning your stacks of paper to digital documents is a huge project, and you want to make sure all that information will be as easy to find on your hard drive as it is in your filing cabinet. In this week’s episode of Work Smart, packrat Ed Imbier asks how he can organize his digital archive in a way that makes finding information easy. I share my favorite tools for capturing, organizing, and finding documents on your computer, and Lifehacker editor Adam Pash gives his advice,” she writes on the intro page. (mehr)
Over the weekend we have fixed the … problem of the two popovers appearing simultaneously on screen and also made the info screen appear inside the document list popover in portrait mode on the iPad. We hope that this satisfies Apple’s concerns with the user interface and that they do not find other problems that they have not informed us of in the first round. We have just submitted the updated binary and will keep you updated on any change.
Science writer Steven Berlin Johnson has been a DEVONthink user for many years now. This week he was interviewed by The Guardian and also mentioned DEVONthink as his creativity tool:
I can put a quote in and ask it to show me things that are related to this – which is literally a way of exploring the adjacent possible. … Half the time it’ll suggest something completely irrelevant, but amid that noise there’s always some crazy little new connection that I hadn’t thought of.” … (mehr)
I promised to keep you updated on any change in the review status of DEVONthink To Go. Yesterday our submission was rejected by Apple because in a very rare case two pop-up windows could appear at the same time. Nobody would ever step into this except for by accident but seems to be against the interface guidelines. We are preparing a general fix for this issue and will resubmit as quickly as possible. More soon on this channel.
While DEVONthink To Go is still ‘waiting for review’, we are using the time for our annual gathering, when the most of the team comes together from all over the world to talk about our plans for the forthcoming months. And as usual, the flights from North America to Europe are delayed. Thank god the sun is shining and the San Francisco Coffee Company at the Stuttgart Airport has great coffee, chocolate muffins, cold water, and free WiFi. (mehr)
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