The German software manufactory Soma-Zone has recently released Ammonite, a stand-alone third-party addition to DEVONthink Pro (and Pro Office, of course) that shows a tag cloud for any open database in a floating panel. From their web site: … (mehr)
Just a quick note that we have today released version 2.0.5 of all editions of DEVONthink and of DEVONnote. The update adds, e.g., drag-and-drop support for images to the Take Note window, and if you have a trackpad that supports multi-finger gestures you can now also zoom in and out of images and PDFs with your fingers. We have fixed a few bugs, too. Use your applications’ built-in update function or download the new versions on our download page. (mehr)
Today we have released version 2.0.4 of all editions of DEVONthink as well as of DEVONnote. The new releases of DEVONthink and DEVONnote have been prepared to work with the upcoming DEVONthink To Go for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch as well as with DEVONagent 2.5. In addition they come with many more minor improvements and bug fixes.
Two weeks ago we have sent beta 10 to our beta tester community. Today we have officially released the DEVONthink To Go product page with a feature list, screen shots, and a short Getting Started guide. The product page also reflects the most current development status (now: in quality assurance testing) and App Store review status as soon as we have submitted the app to Apple.
In case you are waiting for the release of DEVONthink To Go, our iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch companion to DEVONthink and DEVONnote: with Michael on board we have used the last four weeks for fixing all remaining issues making the app now as stable as we want it to be. So we have just seeded beta 10 to our closed team of beta testers with a long list of fixes and last-minute improvements. — and this is intended to be the last beta. So if all goes well we are now only running a few final tests and then push it to the App Store. We are firmly disposed to send version 1.0 to Apple earlier than later in September.
We have just updated the Clip to DEVONthink Safari extension and bookmarklet to version 1.1. The new version fixes a number of bugs, e.g. adding parts of the bookmarklet code when printing a web page as well as a bug preventing log-ins to password-protected web sites. If Safari does not offer you the update, please visit the Download Extras page and download the latest version. The bookmarklet is always loaded ‘live’ and so up-to-date when you use it the next time. (mehr)
In January DEVONtechnologies has joined the efforts of many independent software companies to help the victims of the earthquake that destroyed most of Haiti’s infrastructure on January 12, 2010, and made tens of thousands of people homeless. This week we have received a letter from Doctors Without Frontiers that I would like to share with you as it were the software licenses you purchased in January that enabled us to help. Thank you!
The folder actions scripts that we supply with DEVONthink Pro allow you to turn any folder, e.g. one on your Desktop, into a hot folder. To attach a script to a folder of your choice, do the following: … (mehr)
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