Colored labels are an easy way to mark files important to you since Apple introduced them with System 7 in 1991. Today we’ve released maintenance updates to DEVONthink and DEVONnote that give you more control over how they’re shown to you: by tinting as in the Classic days, as a bubble around the document name, or as a colored dot, Mavericks style. And that’s of course not all: We’ve enhanced PDF annotations, added support for AirMail, fixed some bugs, and more. (mehr)
Duplicates in DEVONthink are great when you need them, not so great when you don’t. But how to track them down and get rid of them?
In your database you will find a built-in smart group, a purple folder with a gear icon on it, called Duplicates. Selecting this folder will show you the files that are duplicated. (Depending on your settings in Preferences > General, duplicate files may be shown in blue.) So how do you manage them? (mehr)
Today we’ve released a maintenance update for all editions of DEVONthink and DEVONnote. The new versions bring, depending on their edition, importing items from BareBones Yojimbo, faster and more reliable email archiving, performance enhancements, and bug fixes. (mehr)
Right before Thanksgiving, the official start of the holiday season in the States, we have put together a big bag of updates for almost all their apps. From DEVONthink to DEVONthink To Go, DEVONnote and DEVONagent, there are new convenient features as well as reliability and performance improvements. All eight updates fix minor bugs and glitches on the go, too. (mehr)
This tip comes from a question on our Facebook page: ‘Hi Guys, is it possible to assign an keyboard shortcut to a label? For example: If I press ⌘1 the first label is assigned to the current list entry?’ (Thanks, Christoph Jeschke!). Yes it is! Here’s the step-by-step… … (mehr)
Last week we released DEVONthink and DEVONnote 2.7 with exciting new features such as encrypted synchronization. Unfortunately the update also “featured” two hindering issues: When the Sorter starts after logging in, e.g. after a system restart, DEVONthink itself opens in addition to the Sorter. And if your Mac runs OS X 10.6.x or 10.7.x, DEVONthink is no longer visible to DEVONthink To Go on your Wi-Fi network. (mehr)
We have just released DEVONthink (all editions) and DEVONnote 2.7 with great new features and improvements. DEVONthink 2.7 now encrypts all metadata and all contents stored in remote sync locations such as Dropbox, WebDAV, or AFP. No other document management app on the Mac gives you so much flexibility and control over you data! (mehr)
You may already know that you can create smart groups in the sidebar of DEVONthink Pro (Office) that collect documents from all open databases. If not: click the action menu button at the bottom of the sidebar and choose New Smart Group. (mehr)
Rich text (RTF) is great for text with different fonts, sizes, or colors. The Style panel allows you to save often-used styles and apply them again with a few clicks but it’s not really an example of the Mac’s famous user-friendliness. Power user Alfred Schlatter sent us a tip for adding convenient keyboard shortcuts to styles to make your life with rich text easier: … (mehr)
Adding the ability to ‘rate’ items in DEVONthink, e.g. with stars, is already on our to-do list. Forum user Truhe couldn’t wait and simply used labels for his ratings. To create your own ratings use e.g. the Unicode characters ☆ and ★ to name the labels from ★★★★★ to ☆☆☆☆ and set the colors to support the rating. To enter the stars use the menu command Edit > Special Characters, switch to Bullets/Stars and double-click the symbol you’d like to insert. (mehr)
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