In diesem Herbst fühlt es sich vollkommen anders an, zurück an die Schule oder Universität zu kommen. Fernunterricht statt überfüllter Hörsäle, Recherche im Internet statt nächtlicher Stunden in der Bibliothek. Holen Sie sich unsere Mac-Programme mit exklusiven 40 Prozent Rabatt, nur bis 20. September 2020. Wenn dies nicht die beste Zeit des Jahres ist, um sich für die Schule startklar zu machen, wann dann? (mehr)
Ende diesen Jahres beginnt Apple damit, von Intel-Prozessoren auf eigene, ARM-basierte Prozessoren umzustellen. Was bedeutet dieser Umstieg für unsere Mac-Programme? (mehr)
Falls Ihnen macOS Catalina noch nicht gruselig genug ist: Hier ist unser Halloween-Update für DEVONsphere Express. Wir haben Version 1.9.4 aufschreien lassen, damit sie besser mit Catalina zusammenarbeitet und nun nativ auch das Dateiformat von Nisus Writer versteht. (mehr)
With the relaunch of our website we also turned the existing customer records into real accounts. As a customer you can view your personal details, check your student/educator status, manage your newsletter subscription, view license codes, manage your devices, and buy upgrades. Here’s how you use it. (mehr)
Just that we let DEVONthink and DEVONnote 2.11.2 out this Tuesday, maintenance releases for DEVONagent and DEVONsphere have hit the street.
The updates fix a sporadic crash when accessing the Preferences panel as well as some visual artifacts. In DEVONagent Pro and Express 3.11.1 we’ve also added support for JSON news feeds, and improved RSS feed handling in general. DEVONsphere 1.9.3 gets support for the Open Packing Format (.opf) and better indexes packages likes RTFD documents. We’ve also made it detect the current web page in the Vivaldi and Brave web browsers in See Also. (mehr)
There are times people want to use Apple’s Spotlight to search for a file in a DEVONthink database. Without going too deeply in technical matters, Spotlight doesn’t index inside the type of file a DEVONthink database is. Due to this, we use a technique to write out some of the metadata for Spotlight to index. (mehr)
Search sets are part of what makes DEVONagent so powerful for serious research. Whatever the topic of the search, they run it on multiple search engines, crawl sites, post-filter the results, archive them, and finally hand them over to other apps or AppleScript. DEVONagent Pro 3.11 reorganizes search sets into groups. This allows to create and use more search sets for even specific use cases without cluttering the menus or losing track. (mehr)
New classes and new assignments in a new school or college year mean that there’s a lot to be organized. Term papers need research and your visits to the library let the pile of paper copies or scanned PDFs grow. (mehr)
Right in time for spring here in the US and in Europe we’ve done some traditional spring cleaning and prepared a few updates for you:
DEVONsphere Express 1.9.1 brings performance-related improvements and works better with the AFPS filesystem. It now also searches text in PDF annotations and forms, handles ePub books better, and improves finding related websites. Auto-completing search terms makes typing queries more comfortable. (mehr)
Today everything revolves around research! We’ve updated all three editions of DEVONagent as well as DEVONsphere Express with support for new search engines and file formats.
DEVONagent now searches using StartPage, scans all bookmarks in DEVONthink, and brings new options for automatically filing found results in your research database. But even if you use DEVONagent Pro’s internal archive, this release is for you: Version 3.9.6 returns more comprehensive search results by finding terms across all metadata fields. (mehr)
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