New classes and new assignments in a new school or college year mean that there’s a lot to be organized. Term papers need research and your visits to the library let the pile of paper copies or scanned PDFs grow. (mehr)
Right in time for spring here in the US and in Europe we’ve done some traditional spring cleaning and prepared a few updates for you:
DEVONsphere Express 1.9.1 brings performance-related improvements and works better with the AFPS filesystem. It now also searches text in PDF annotations and forms, handles ePub books better, and improves finding related websites. Auto-completing search terms makes typing queries more comfortable. (mehr)
Today everything revolves around research! We’ve updated all three editions of DEVONagent as well as DEVONsphere Express with support for new search engines and file formats.
DEVONagent now searches using StartPage, scans all bookmarks in DEVONthink, and brings new options for automatically filing found results in your research database. But even if you use DEVONagent Pro’s internal archive, this release is for you: Version 3.9.6 returns more comprehensive search results by finding terms across all metadata fields. (mehr)
Just after we updated DEVONthink for OS X El Capitan, here are now the maintenance updates for DEVONagent and DEVONsphere Express. They improve the compatibility to Apple’s latest and greatest operating system for the Mac. (mehr)
Stack Overflow and GitHub are the places to be for developers on the web. DEVONagent 3.9.1 adds plugins for both and finds code and answers with precision. And if you’re less interested in developing and more in cooking — and who doesn’t like great food? — there’s a brand new recipe scanner. Get code snippets and top secret guacamole recipes delivered straight to the search window. You don’t even have to visit the web pages. (mehr)
Privacy matters, even if there are some large companies seeing things differently. DuckDuckGo is a search engine that claims that it doesn’t track its users and respects their privacy. And it delivers good search results, too. Reason enough for us to support it natively in all editions of DEVONagent 3.8.3. (mehr)
We have already updated DEVONthink and DEVONagent with the necessary adjustments for OS X Yosemite. Today we’ve released DEVONsphere Express 1.8 as well as new versions of PhotoStickies and XMenu. DEVONsphere 1.8 adds support for Finder and Open Meta tags, Scapple files, and diagnostic reports. It also uses Open Graph properties of HTML pages and web pages to provide more accurate results. On OS X Mavericks and later version 1.8 indexes email messages again. The update also reduces DEVONsphere Express’ CPU usage and improves its performance and reliability. (mehr)
Knowledge becomes more useful by sharing. DEVONnote and DEVONthink 2.7.6 make sharing your collected wisdom easier. Create a customized table of content for exporting your documents as a website or let DEVONthink make one up for you. Share documents by email easier than ever. (mehr)
Today we have released maintenance updates for DEVONthink, DEVONnote, DEVONagent, and DEVONsphere Express. The updates add a few new features such as automatic updating of thumbnails of formatted notes and web archives for DEVONthink or support for WordPerfect files for DEVONagent. We have also improved the overall performance of all apps and, of course, fixed the bugs you have notified us of. (mehr)
April 11 we updated DEVONthink and DEVONnote, this week it’s time for DEVONagent, DEVONsphere Express, EasyFind, PhotoStickies and XMenu. Enjoy new automation options in DEVONagent, search FoldingText files with DEVONsphere, and share files directly from EasyFind. (mehr)
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