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Artikel mit dem Tag devonsphere

2. Oktober 2012

First DEVONsphere Express Did Local, Now It Does Servers Too

Today we have released DEVONsphere Express 1.6 with the ability to index network servers and volumes, that are not always available, too. Add your team server and get related data to whatever you’re working on in an instant from all the knowledge accumulated by your group. And if you don’t want to see irrelevant results, add the folders to the preferences and DEVONsphere Express excludes them from searching. The full power of DEVONthink, integrated into Mail, Safari, and the  Finder. And now also extended to your servers. (mehr)

5. Juli 2012

How You Can Use DEVONsphere Express

Ever wondered what DEVONsphere Express is actually about and how you could use it make your Mac smarter and your life easier? I have added a number of real-world usage examples to the product page. If you’re still unsure if and how DEVONsphere Express could be useful for you, click here to check them out (near the bottom of the page).

30. Mai 2012

DEVONsphere Express is Coming Home

We promised to offer all our commercial apps also in our own online shop. Today we kept the promise by adding DEVONsphere Express to our shop and making a free trial version available as we do for all our apps. Version 1.5 brings also additional enhancements and bug fixes. If you purchased your copy in the Mac App Store and ran version 1.4 or later at least once you can also replace your copy with one downloaded from our website. It will happily accept the existing Mac App Store receipt as a valid license.

23. Mai 2012

Vous et Votre Mac Reviews DEVONsphere Express

DEVONsphere Express is the latest addition to our product portfolio. Bernard Le Du from the the French Mac magazine Vous et Votre Mac has reviewed it and honored it with 4.5 out of 5 stars:

Une recherche plus intelligent — This “contextual” search tool is very useful for retrieving documents and related data. It is useful for students, researchers, writer of sorts, everyone … … (mehr)

24. April 2012

Drag Files to DEVONsphere Express

If your favorite app is not directly supported and so DEVONsphere Express does not update its panel live to your current document you can simply drag the document to DEVONsphere Express’ search field. It automatically focuses on the file. To drag a file you’re just editing or viewing drag its icon in the document window’s title bar (if available).

18. April 2012

Better Work with DEVONsphere Express Results

DEVONsphere Express delivers instant See Also results on almost anything you’re working on, from web pages in Safari to email messages or Pages documents. Double-clicking opens found items in the default app for their type. But you can do more. (mehr)

29. Februar 2012

Spring Cleaning (Means: Updates, Updates, Updates)

Spring is in the air on the northern hemisphere, which means: time for some spring cleaning here at DEVONtechnologies: DEVONsphere Express is still new on the App Store and we’ve already submitted the second update. Not enough, we’ve also updated all our other applications, too, from DEVONthink and DEVONnote to DEVONagent and our freeware apps.

17. Februar 2012

Make Your Mac Smarter

After Apple has, completely unexpectedly, released version 1.0 of a brand new app from us last week without any review delays and the update to version 1.1 yesterday we’ve finally officially announced it today. Meet DEVONsphere Express: the whole power of our unique artificial intelligence technology crammed into an easy-to-use app that sits in the menu bar and provides you with related data to whatever you’re working on. It’s like DEVONthink but without the need to keep you data in a database. (mehr)