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22. November 2016

DEVONthink's Synchronization and Network Security

When it comes to network safety, many corporations and individuals turn to firewalls and network monitoring applications to control what’s happening. This can keep intrusions at bay, or at least make the life of a potential intruder a bit more difficult. However, these methods can also cause DEVONthink’s synchronization engine to seemingly fail, especially with Bonjour connections. (mehr)

15. November 2016

What the Properties Pane is Useful For

A question pertaining to the Properties pane recently came up on our forums. This can be found in DEVONthink with the menu command Tools > Show Properties. It seems to imply it’s a place where you can add things like comments, keywords, authors, etc. to any file. However, this is not true. The Properties pane allows you to view and edit the metadata supported by the file, but does not let you add data to the file which is not supported by the file’s structure. (mehr)

10. November 2016

A User's Journey into DEVONthink: Professional Academic Workflow

As my professional role has developed I have become more involved in authoring, reviewing, and submitting academic papers, amongst other activities such as grant and report writing. Prior to DEVONthink Pro Office (DTPO), there was a lot of flicking through numerous PDFs and web pages, whilst trying to keep track of different sections of writing, of which there are always several on the go at once. The main apps in use here are DTPO, Bookends, OmniFocus. (mehr)

3. November 2016

A User's Journey into DEVONthink: Student Academic Workflow

In the next two blog posts I will cover how DEVONthink Pro Office (DTPO) has refined and enhanced my academic workflow, and more specifically how it has simplified storage, retrieval, manipulation and interpretation of the data associated with it. (mehr)

27. Oktober 2016

DEVONthink 2.9.6 and DEVONthink To Go 2.0.5

DEVONthink 2.9.6, which we have just released, brings another bunch of workarounds for issues related to macOS Sierra’s broken PDF engine and scanner support. Both DEVONthink and DEVONnote also add new conditions to smart groups and honor metadata provided by ELO Office. The sharing extension for DEVONthink supports images, e.g., from web browsers, and uses less energy. (mehr)

20. Oktober 2016

DEVONagent 3.9.5: Updated for Sierra, Supports Qwant

Two weeks ago we have updated DEVONthink for macOS Sierra and DEVONthink To Go for iOS 10; this week it’s DEVONagent’s turn with a maintenance update.

Version 3.9.5 of all editions of DEVONagent received fixes for minor issues with Apple’s latest desktop operating system. In addition they now support the privacy-minded search engine Qwant and search Google Scholar better. As always we’re thrown a lot more into the basket, from more accurate ad filtering to updated scanner plugins and better interoperability with other applications. (mehr)