We know how important a robust sync is. And so here’s another maintenance release for both DEVONthink for Mac as well as DEVONthink To Go. We’ve made synchronizing to e.g. WebDAV or Dropbox up to 3.7 times faster. Direct connections via the local network are more reliable now too and during a sync you can see which database is being synchronized. (mehr)
All our products come with a build-in documentation. It’s written in XML and compiled to HTML, PDF, and two ebook formats with a variety of tools. For DEVONthink To Go 2 we use the same workflow, just with another set of stylesheets that adopt the iOS look and make it work better in our own viewer. (mehr)
Another week, another update for DEVONthink. But this time we also have an update for DEVONthink To Go too. We’ve worked hard to make the synchronization on both platforms even more robust and enjoyable. For example you can now again connect securely to your own WebDAV server with self-signed certificates. (mehr)
Two weeks ago we released DEVONthink 2.9 with our next-generation sync. Today there’s the first maintenance release for it with many improvements and bug fixes related to the synchronization. For example, downloading from sync stores is now up to 2.5 times faster than with the previous version. (mehr)
It’s done. After 15837 builds, 18 semi-public betas and six release candidates, DEVONthink To Go 2.0 is finally available in the iOS App Store*.
As promised, DEVONthink To Go 2.0 replaces the aged version 1.5.8 with a brand new app. We have rewritten it from scratch to take advantage of current iOS technologies and makes it more capable, faster, and more robust. It not only gives you a completely new user interface and a much enhanced feature set, with its next-generation sync you also get unprecedented flexibility. If you already own DEVONthink To Go 1.x, this update is free for you. (mehr)
After three betas our next-generation sync has finally reached production status. Today we’ve released DEVONthink 2.9 with our completely rewritten synchronization. It’s built for speed, robustness and flexibility. It works both on the local network, with any removable volume, as well as with internet-based services such as Dropbox or WebDAV servers. (mehr)
We announced that public beta 2 would be the final beta but we found what we hoped we would(n’t) find: critical bugs. So, here’s public beta 3 with important bug fixes.
In the meantime we’re polishing DEVONthink To Go 2.0’s user interface in preparation for the App Store submission. (mehr)
In the past weeks we have corrected many minor issues in our upcoming next-generation sync technology. Before we launch it as part of the official releases of DEVONthink and before DEVONthink To Go 2.0 hits the App Store, here’s a second and final public beta for you to install and try out. (mehr)
It’s no secret that we have been working for quite some time on a new sync technology (code name: “DEVONcloudy”, our little cloud). It replaces the Mac-to-Mac sync presently part of DEVONthink for Mac and will be the foundation of the upcoming DEVONthink To Go 2.0. (mehr)
Just a quick note that we have just released DEVONthink and DEVONnote 2.8.11. The update brings, among many more detail enhancements, a revised view/edit pane and better compatibility to RSS 1.0 feeds. Automatically opened panels such as the Activity or Log panels are no longer activated by default. This way they don’t unnecessarily interrupt your workflow. (mehr)
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