New classes and new assignments in a new school or college year mean that there’s a lot to be organized. Term papers need research and your visits to the library let the pile of paper copies or scanned PDFs grow. (mehr)
If there’s one difficult question to ask in Support, it’s: “Do you have current local backups of your DEVONthink databases?” Too often, the answer is, “No” or “I’ve been thinking about starting backups, but I need to restore my data now!” This is a heartbreaking response to hear, and one we want to hear less and less. (mehr)
If you need to merge some documents in DEVONthink, select all the documents you want to concatenate and choose Data > Merge from the main menu. Alternatively there’s also a contextual menu command for it. (mehr)
Day in and day out, we look at the same apps and folders on our machines. Same stuff, different day. To make things a little “more my own”, we like to personalize our computers with things like desktop wallpapers. But another way we can add some flair, and arguably visual distinction, to our user experience is with custom icons. (mehr)
Right in time for the sunny weekend DEVONthink To Go 2.6.3 has passed Apple’s review and is now available on the App Store. With this maintenance release we’re concentrating to make the app faster and more reliable, especially the synchronization. Among many other improvements DEVONthink To Go no longers sleeps during very long sync runs and uses a less storage space when importing databases shallowly. (mehr)
In the last few weeks our software was mentioned in blogs and podcasts a few times. Whether you’re reading German, are a lawyer, or you’re just interested in all things iOS you might find these interesting: … (mehr)
Split Screen mode in macOS has been around for some time and it’s a great way to view two documents at once, but in a fullscreen mode. This even works with two applications, as long as the windows are in the same Space. (mehr)
It’s a privilege for me to work in a home office. The working model makes it easier for me to combine private and business matters and increases my productivity with fewer interruptions from the outside world. But how much time do I really spend on business? And how much of my office time melts away because I empty the dishwasher or turn on the washing machine? (mehr)
Many of us have files from word processing applications, like Word or Pages, in our databases. These kinds of files are proprietary and not editable in DEVONthink. However, you can preview them. But what if you need to copy some text from one of them? Do you need to fire up your word processor just to make a quick copy of some text? (mehr)
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