Falls Sie selbstständig sind oder als Freelancer arbeiten, dann müssen Zeiterfassung betreiben, aber für die meisten Leute ist das Thema kaum vergnügungssteuerpflichtig. Das Mac-Programm Timing lindert die schlimmsten Schmerzen, indem es automatisch mitschreibt, welche Programme Sie benutzen, welche Webseiten Sie besuchen und mit welchen Datenbanken, Gruppen oder Dokumenten in DEVONthink Sie arbeiten. Bei uns gibt’s zudem einen exklusiven Rabatt von 10% auf das Abo. (mehr)
Recently, Evernote has lost key people and started to try to raise investment money. This might make those nervous who rely on their services. Apple Insider published a guide for Evernote users who want to export their data to stay safe: … (mehr)
HoudahSpot is a powerful utility to find documents, images, and other files. It uses your Mac’s Spotlight database but gives you many more options that let you narrow down your search to exactly what you’re looking for. (mehr)
DEVONthink and DEVONthink To Go can be comfortably used with OmniFocus by using item links. Many other applications support URLs, too, and can so link back to documents stored in DEVONthink. For example Things from Cultured Code which works with DEVONthink very similar to OmniFocus: … (mehr)
In December we laid out how you can use DEVONthink To Go and OmniFocus together with universal item links. On the Mac this works, too, of course, and in a very similar fashion.
Recap: Item links are universal URLs that point to a document or group stored in DEVONthink or DEVONthink To Go. An item link that works on one device will also work on other devices as long as the database that the link is pointing to is available. (mehr)
Productivity applications like DEVONthink are seldomly used alone. Most people use a collection of at least a few core applications together for their daily work. One software that is often mentioned by you, our customers, is OmniFocus. (mehr)
The lastest update for the fast Mac email application Airmail adds DEVONthink integration. Selected email messages can be sent to DEVONthink’s inbox. They are saves as plain text documents and include a link back to the original message in Airmail. Read more about the update here. (mehr)
We had a MacJournal user contact us, wanting to switch to DEVONthink. While we have no control over how easy or hard this may be, we took a look at what options there are. Nicely, the MacJournal folks have simple but useful export options (we always applaud when developers resist the urge to lock in someone’s data). (mehr)
DEVONthink allows you to get a URL for any document or group stored in your databases. Select the item, then choose Edit > Copy Item Link. Then paste this link into any other suitable application, e.g. the URL field of an appointment in Calendar, a website field in Contacts, or the notes field of an OmniFocus task. (mehr)
When importing email, Apple Mail is going to provide the best performance as it supports native plugins. Other email applications require the use of Applescript to interact with DEVONthink and we can’t guarantee the performance, especially with large mailboxes. But if your email client supports an export to the UNIX .mbox format you can drag the exported .mbox file to the DEVONthink Pro Office dock icon to scan it for messages. (mehr)
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