There’s always something new and shiny coming from Cupertino. And with a new computer comes the inevitable question, “How do I move my DEVONthink to my new Mac?” Here is how to manually migrate to a new Mac. (more)
The interface of DEVONthink is made up of multiple panes, each with a specific focus and set of functions. On the left are the sidebars, the default one, where you’ll spend most of your time, is the Navigate sidebar. Here’s what you’ll find there. (more)
While hard drives are relatively large and inexpensive nowadays, it’s still a good idea to keep an eye on you disk usage. When you’re trying to determine how much space you’re using in DEVONthink, there can appear to be conflicting reports. Here’s how to understand the sizes you see. (more)
In DEVONthink and DEVONthink To Go, it’s easy to make as many databases as you’d like. However, there are times when you’ve made and synced databases you now deleted or perhaps just no longer want to sync but the unwanted databases keep showing up in the sync location. Here’s how to get rid of them. (more)
When rapidly capturing data from a source for use in another application, copy and paste is a commonly used method. In DEVONthink there is a built-in shortcut to create new documents from clipboard content but you need to understand what you’ll get from the content you copied. (more)
As the old adage goes, “a picture is worth a thousand words”. This is certainly true in computing too. It is very common to capture things we want to remember or share. macOS has always had nice screen capturing capabilities but the images are captured to a static location. Here is how to take and file screen captures directly in DEVONthink. (more)
On his blog, David Sparks a.k.a. MacSparky paints a dark picture of an age of mass surveillance. And David is right. We can only watch out and base our decisions what products to use and which services to trust on smart choices. Here are some of our thoughts and two links. (more)
In DEVONthink and DEVONthink To Go you can copy page links in a PDF. These item links allow you to jump to a specific page in the PDF. But sometimes the number in the item link is wrong… isn’t it? Or you may manually add a page parameter but it isn’t jumping to the correct page!? Here’s how PDF pages and the item link parameter work. (more)
DEVONthink not only allows you to store your files, but also to open them in their associated external applications. But sometimes when you open a file externally, it opens the wrong application. Here’s how the Open With menu and launching external applications work in DEVONthink. (more)
From time to time it’s a good idea to examine one’s habits and databases in DEVONthink and DEVONthink To Go. Here are some things to think about… (more)
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