DEVONthink comes with a variety of pre-built templates for various things, like taking a phone note, making an annotation file, or even creating a project. But what if you have a need but no template? You can easily create your own. (more)
DEVONthink does not have a system for automatically backing up everything. DEVONthink has a setting in its Preferences > Backup that controls how many internal metadata backups are done. These backups can be used in a troubleshooting situation by selecting Tools > Restore Backup. (more)
Support tickets sometimes present new ideas. And sometimes they rekindle old ones from the back burner. I recently had a ticket from someone who wanted to open a document in two windows at once. So, about half an hour later, another custom AppleScript script was finished — one that would open the same document in two windows, placed side by side on the screen. (more)
There are times when you’re in need of searching your DEVONthink databases but don’t want to switch out of your current application or space. In System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts > Services > Text, there is a service named DEVONthink Pro: Lookup… This will be active when you have some recognized text selected in a document. Selecting the service from the current application’s menu > Services will open a full search window with the search already completed. (more)
A recent Twitter post asked a question about turning on and off the WebSharing server in DEVONthink Pro Office. It was assuming a need for an AppleScript or Keyboard Maestro routine. Well, it’s not AppleScriptable (outside of UI scripting, which I don’t advocate) and Keyboard Maestro is more than is needed for this task. (more)
When using DEVONthink’s search features, the results are handled a bit differently than browsing the database. The results are insulated from accidental deletion by default. So what if you want to delete something from the search results? Here are three options: … (more)
We have told the great people at Readdle that our mobile users love the combination of their Scanner Pro app and DEVONthink to Go. Scanner Pro lets you use your iPhone’s or iPad’s camera for quickly scanning paper documents wherever you are. It applies all sorts of magic to make the document look as good as possible and then lets you share the created PDF with other apps. (more)
The Global Inbox is ideally used as a place to store quickly captured data that will be filed later. Many times we’re quickly grabbing things of interest to us, but not related to any project. We make a vague mental note about filing this information later, but then forget about it as we find ourselves following other interesting ideas. Some time later we slow down and realize our global inbox has gotten out of hand. (more)
As some of you may know, DEVONagent Pro is the second flagship in our product line. As very powerful web search assistant with powerful search and scheduling tools, it can aid you in your online research. But, it’s a heavy hammer to swing if you’re just in need of a quick online search tool with more capabilities than a simple Google search. If that’s your need, take a look at DEVONagent Express. (more)
The lastest update for the fast Mac email application Airmail adds DEVONthink integration. Selected email messages can be sent to DEVONthink’s inbox. They are saves as plain text documents and include a link back to the original message in Airmail. Read more about the update here. (more)
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