Devonian Times Masthead

The DEVONtechnologies Blog

Articles in the category Promotions

December 21, 2018

WinterFest 2018: Great Apps, Great Prices

As is our custom in this season, we’re joining some fellow software manufacturers from all over the world making the best-of-breed software for research and writing on the Mac. Tools like DEVONthink, DEVONagent, Tinderbox, or Nisus Writer that live at the intersection of art and research. Crafted with care and refined by years of study and exploration. (more)

February 7, 2013

Wir wurden gehackt!

Das musste ja passieren: Wir übersetzen mühselig unsere Webseite ins Deutsche und kaum sind wir fertig, bekommen wir in unserer Zentrale einen anonymen Anruf, der uns verkündet, dass man uns einen Streich gespielt habe. Irgendwo auf unseren neuen deutschsprachigen Seiten versteckt sich jetzt anscheinend ein Hinweis auf einen bekannten Fall der drei nicht ganz unbekannten, ewig jugendlichen Detektive aus Rocky Beach, Kalifornien, der drei Fragezeichen! Aber wo? (more)

March 29, 2012

Champagne for Us, 25% Discount for You

Ten years ago, on March 31, 2002, DEVONtechnologies opened its shop doors and we sold the very first license of DEVONthink 1.0. And we enjoyed every year since creating great software for great people — like you. (more)

December 16, 2011

Support TidBITS and Save on DEVONthink & Co.

Our friends over at TidBITS, one of the longest-running Internet publications, have set up a new membership program to support their excellent news service. By joining as a member you do not only support the editors but you also get access to some cool benefits like an ad-free view on the website, a full-text RSS feed, early access to new articles, and great discounts on all Take Control ebooks and Mac software like LaunchBar, 1Password, and … DEVONthink, DEVONagent Pro, and DEVONnote. Visit TidBITS, become a member, and save 25 percent on your apps!