DEVONagent is not a simple interface on top of Google. It does much more for you, e.g. post-processing of all results to refine the result list with our unique artificial intelligence (AI). One feature easily overlooked are scanners. (more)
DEVONthink Pro and Pro Office come with the ability to use multiple databases simultaneously — and you might wonder what the advantages and disadvantages it may have to distribute your data over multiple databases vs. stuffing everything into one single database. So here’s a little list of the pros and cons. (more)
If you are one of those people who speak RegEx (regular expressions) fluently, you may like the Rename Using RegEx script. Use it for, e.g., change the numbering schema of files imported from your scanner. You install it from Scripts > More Scripts. (more)
The Devonian was not only the time when our ancestors crawled out of the water and onto the land. It was also the name-giver for our company — and presumably for Devon Works, a design company that has created the Tread 1 watch, a little electronic/mechanic masterpiece. Even when you don’t need a watch right now you should at least have a look at the great animation they show on their web site.
The German software manufactory Soma-Zone has recently released Ammonite, a stand-alone third-party addition to DEVONthink Pro (and Pro Office, of course) that shows a tag cloud for any open database in a floating panel. From their web site: … (more)
The folder actions scripts that we supply with DEVONthink Pro allow you to turn any folder, e.g. one on your Desktop, into a hot folder. To attach a script to a folder of your choice, do the following: … (more)
When strange things happen on a Mac, like settings not being stored, license codes not being accepted, or DEVONthink databases behaving unexpectedly, file permissions could be the cause. UNIX permissions and Access Control Lists (ACLs) define what the logged-in user and the applications opened by her can do with items in the file system. If you want to learn more about permissions, have a look at Take Control’s new ebook Take Control of Permissions in Snow Leopard which explains this geeky subject in easy language and hands-on manner.
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