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Articles tagged with ios

March 14, 2017

Sync Faster on Your Network

When it comes to synchronizing on any network connection, the quality and strength of your network matters — and is often not as good as you imagine. Can you hit the maximum advertised speed? Yes, but probably not sustained over the hours and hours you use it. Wireless networks are convenient, but they’re also subject to poor signal strength, noise, and other factors that can limit your sync reliablility. (more)

September 22, 2016

Print to PDF on iOS

iOS 10 comes with a great but somewhat hidden feature: Print to PDF. It allows you to save any document that you can print as a PDF and send it by email or clip it to DEVONthink To Go.

In the Share sheet from any app choose Print. The print preview dialog appears. Now instead of printing “pinch” on the print preview like just as if you’d want to enlarge it. It opens — now as a PDF — in a separate dialog. Choose Share again and send it anywhere you like. (more)

August 27, 2013

We Favor Open Over Closed

Since the very first telephone companies and there is an ongoing struggle between advocates (and adversaries) of open vs. closed systems. Today is the time of the closed systems.

The Apple II was wide open and while the first Mac hardware was the exact opposite you could still do whatever your wanted in software. Even if there were no official hooks for this and that, as long as you knew how to access something there was no one holding you back. (more)

September 7, 2012

Missing Apps in the Open In Menu

If you have many apps installed on your iPhone or iPad that can handle the same file types, e.g. PDFs, it can happen that one or the other does not longer appear in the Open In menu that allows you to send files from one app to another. In iOS 5 the limit seems to be ten apps. So if you want to send a file to, e.g., DEVONthink To Go and you don’t see it listed it may be that you simply have too many apps on your device that can open this file type. (more)

September 14, 2010

First Peek: DEVONthink To Go Product Page is Online

Two weeks ago we have sent beta 10 to our beta tester community. Today we have officially released the DEVONthink To Go product page with a feature list, screen shots, and a short Getting Started guide. The product page also reflects the most current development status (now: in quality assurance testing) and App Store review status as soon as we have submitted the app to Apple.

August 31, 2010

DEVONthink To Go Beta 10 Seeded

In case you are waiting for the release of DEVONthink To Go, our iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch companion to DEVONthink and DEVONnote: with Michael on board we have used the last four weeks for fixing all remaining issues making the app now as stable as we want it to be. So we have just seeded beta 10 to our closed team of beta testers with a long list of fixes and last-minute improvements. — and this is intended to be the last beta. So if all goes well we are now only running a few final tests and then push it to the App Store. We are firmly disposed to send version 1.0 to Apple earlier than later in September.

June 30, 2010

DEVONthink To Go 1.0 Beta 5 Seeded

A while ago I posted an article about our forthcoming iPhone application. Since then we worked in stealth mode on finishing the app and optimizing it for iOS 4.0, the iPhone 4, and the larger user interface of the iPad (which we finally received also here in Europe where I am living). On the iPad it’s truly a ‘DEVONthink that you can touch’. Absolutely cool. See yourself: … (more)

April 27, 2010

First Day on the Balcony and a New Beta

Today I it was for the very first time this year warm and sunny enough for me to work on the balcony — the one balcony that gave this blog its name. People are sitting outside and are having a cup of coffee on my hometown’s market square. That’s how I should be! (more)

March 23, 2010

It's Beta Time Again

Quite a few of you have already contacted us and asked if we are planning an iPhone, iPod touch, or iPad companion to DEVONthink. Our answer always was: ‘Stay tuned.’ Starting today it is: ‘Yes, and it’s already in beta test’. (more)