There are many times we have to deal with documents that aren’t in our native language and in those cases, a translator becomes invaluable. For this, Apple provides a built-in translation you may not know or think about sometimes. Here is a short introduction. (more)
With the Apple Pencil, you can draw, paint, or turn your iPad into a digital notebook that you can write in by hand. The Apple Pencil is a constant companion for many users and DEVONthink To Go offers some ways to use it as well. Here are a few suggestions. (more)
When you’re out and about roaming the big, beautiful world, you might want to keep track of where you’ve been. Or perhaps you’d like to know where you’ve made a note or created a document. With the release of DEVONthink To Go 3.6, we extended the support for geolocations. Here are the improvements. (more)
For some time now, scripting has been a way on the Mac to automate certain workflows. Thanks to Apple’s application Shortcuts, workflows can meanwhile also be automated on your iPhone or iPad and then executed at the touch of a button. If you have a few commonly used shortcuts, there is a very handy iOS 16 utility to give you access to them on your iPhone’s lock screen: LockFlow. (more)
When handling items in DEVONthink To Go, it happens that you need to deal with more than one at a time. Perhaps you want to email several documents to someone. Or maybe you need to copy them to a shared folder in Dropbox and don’t want to share them one by one. Here’s how to quickly select and handle multiple items. (more)
DEVONthink To Go supports creating and editing some native file types, e.g., plain text, rich text, or Markdown. And while it supports importing many other formats, those can’t be edited in DEVONthink To Go. Here’s how to open those documents in an external application. (more)
Apple’s mobile platform and devices are built for touch. Touch this, pinch that, swipe left and right, etc. However, using a hardware keyboard is often a much more fluid and accurate experience and also opens up the ability to use keyboard shortcuts. Supporting this, DEVONthink To Go has a broad set of menus and key commands available. (more)
For some time now, DEVONthink To Go has supported opening multiple windows in iPadOS, e.g., when you long-press an item and choose Open in New Window. But windows on mobile aren’t as obvious as they are in macOS. Here are a few ways to access and interact with these windows. (more)
In episode 578 of iOS Today, the lovely Mikah Sargent and Rosemary Orchard talk about gathering notes and research on iOS. They go through on-board options and third-party apps including DEVONthink To Go. (more)
On the Mac and on iOS apps open in the best available language from the preferred languages order you define in System Preferences or the Settings app. But did you know that you can change this for each app individually? Here’s how. (more)
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