In the next two blog posts I will cover how DEVONthink Pro Office (DTPO) has refined and enhanced my academic workflow, and more specifically how it has simplified storage, retrieval, manipulation and interpretation of the data associated with it. (more)
My preferences are set pretty much as they come out of the box, with one or two tweaks (for example, I want to trash the originals of any PDF files I import and run through optical character recognition). The DEVONthink Pro Office (DTPO manual) covers setting preferences in detail and of course these may change as I go along. (more)
I first came across DEVONthink whilst working through one of the periodic urges I get to review and make changes to my digital organisation habits, Again I had become disillusioned with the futile search for ‘one app to rule them all’. I was a longtime user of Evernote, however I’d never been quite satisfied with its storage of files within notes (I’m unable to explain this rationally), and the recent move to limit the usage of free account holders hampered my workflow, which is part personal, part work and across several devices. (more)
DEVONthink is, in my ways, the epitome of the ideal info dump. You can drag pretty much any kind of file into the app and it will make sense of it. […] DEVONthink’s secret weapon: the “See Also & Classify” function. When you select an item in your DEVONthink database and enable See Also & Classify, you will see a dossier of items which relate to whatever you’ve selected. This can include any file type. It’s a game-changer. (more)
Blogger Lee Garrett of has started a mini series on DEVONthink:
My workflows will all centre around DEVONthink Pro Office as that is the product I use day to day. […] So that tells you what I use DEVONthink Pro Office for and why I recommend it so highly. The next few posts will look in more detail as to how I have it configured, how I import data on both OS X and iOS, how I invoke searches, tagging, backing up databases. (more)
Power knowledge worker Daniel Wessel calls himself “a squirrel”. He uses DEVONthink Pro Office to collect and organize everything from web pages to analog post cards. On his excellent web site Organizing Creativity Dan talks also about how he uses our flagship application: … (more)
Zotero is a marvelous tool to use for capturing, managing and citing sources but once the notes and sources are in a Zotero library collection, moving them around inside it is a very clunky process. It can be done, but not easily. In order to organize my notes with ease and print the information out, I move copies of the notes from Zotero into DEVONthink Pro and do my sorting, organizing and printing there.” … (more)
DEVONthink Pro Office power user Luc Beaulieu has created a few standard templates for some key academic activities: Research grants, research contracts, general research projects, new students, new manuscripts, and conferences. And this is how Luc’s workflow looks like: … (more)
Yesterday I posted an interview with my friend Prof. Dr. Frank Thissen who works as an educator and researcher at the Stuttgart Media University. And just today Emily VanBuren, a PhD student in History at Northwestern University, blogs about her experiences with DEVONthink Pro Office. (more)
One of the most common ways we organize our data is with folders and subfolders (groups and subgroups in DEVONthink). Maybe you are someone that tracks your receipts on a monthly basis. Perhaps you are a teacher that organizes student data in a series of subfolders. Or you may be a real estate agent that creates a folder for each new property you’re working with and you like to have subfolder for pictures, documents, etc. If you ever find yourself reconstructing group hierarchies in DEVONthink, here’s a handy way to create a template that will do most of the work for you. (more)
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