Sometimes we use several names for the same thing, like nicknames, acronyms and so on. In DEVONthink you can use such aliases for documents and other objects, for example tags. Here we show you how that works and what you can do with them. (more)
When it comes to PDF documents, what you see and what is actually there can be two different things. Just because you can read words in the document doesn’t mean it is searchable. Or perhaps you have a searchable PDF but it’s still not found in a search in DEVONthink. Here are a few ways to deal with such PDFs. (more)
DEVONthink is a good place to build a digital book collection. Users of the Pro or Server edition of DEVONthink can add custom metadata to their books from the millions of books available in Google Books with a script. Here is, how to do that. (more)
There are various ways to merge individual work steps into a workflow and execute them automatically. One option is to use the smart rules in DEVONthink. Now we have created the smart rule Import & OCR, which lets you easily import scans and make them searchable. Here you will find out how to set up and use the rule. (more)
Elaine Giles, an IT consultant based in Manchester, UK, has made all the screencasts that she produced for MacBites After Hours available for free on YouTube. You don’t want to miss this great collection of tutorials. (more)
Yesterday we have silently updated the OCR component of DEVONthink Pro 3. The new version fixes a problem with PDFs pages that were not rotated correctly. In addition, in some created PDFs the recognized text was not selectable. (more)
In September Fujitsu announced that it would not update their ScanSnap Manager software to 64-bit, effectively making all older models of their scanners obsolete overnight. Yesterday, and to everyone’s surprise, Fujitsu released version 7 of the ScanSnap Manager, perfectly running in 64-bit and supporting all the older models from the S1300 to the S1500M. (more)
As part of the unified interface of DEVONthink 3, some functions are now found in dedicated sidebars instead of opening separate windows. These sidebars are on the left side of every main window you open, and display an icon for each. (more)
If you, like many of our customers, own one of the older Fujitsu ScanSnap scanners like the S300M, S500M, S510M or S1500(M), the time might have come to move to a newer model or look for alternatives. (more)
OCR is a technology that examines the pixels in an image and tries to determine what alphabetical characters they are. These characters are then put into a layer of text underneath the original image so the file appears unchanged but is now searchable. You can estimate the accuracy of the OCR by selecting the PDF and looking at the concordance. (more)
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